Wet Area Waterproofing 

SAB  Roof Insulation System

Balconies, Kitchens, and Toilets.


1.   Water pipes should be placed in place and minimally on height 4 cm.
2.   Water pipelines should be installed very carefully above insulation layers, without causing any damages or vandalism.
3.   Wet area insulation layers must be implemented, when all ceramic (walls) installation has been completed.

How to implement wet area insulation layers:

1.   As a preparation for perfect result these procedure must be taken into consideration: Cleaning the surface properly and make sure the surface is free of dust or debris as well as ground settlement.
2.   Execute slope corners 20cm * 20cm.
3.  Applying 2 layers of SAB ®
4.   Water testing should be by using sweet water ,for 24-48 hours, this water test will give high opportunity to discover any leakage might be happen, either it was due to manufacturing defect or poor quality materials,( this procedure should be on the main contractor responsibility, and under consultant engineer supervision).
5.   Upon completion from all waterproofing works and installing water pipes on its places, as a precautionary action form any further leakage or vandalism , all insulation materials must be covered by sand / 03 which will be used during ceramic execution.
6.   We do recommend and advise ceramic applicators to use flexible and water resistance mortar properly while installing ceramic (floor) and the tub, these materials would support and complement our works.


SAB ®  Roof guarantee is valid for 5 years


SAB® Cementitious

(Wet Area Waterproofing System)

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