Peneplug® Crystalline Waterproofing

Public Channel / Data Sheets

Peneplug® Crystalline Waterproofing

PENEPLUG® is a rapid setting, integral crystalline cementitious waterstop designed to stop active water
leaks and moisture ingress.
PENEPLUG® can be used internally or externally as a waterproof plugging mortar or where rapid setting and early strength gain is required.

Concrete - Masonry - Earthenware - Stone.

Plugs/stops active water leaks
Seals leaking joints, form tie holes or cracks
Sets in approximately 30 seconds after mixing
Can be used underwater
Can be mixed with water or used dry
Easy to apply
Zero VOC - PENETRON powdered products contain
zero volatile organic compounds and are safe for use
both outdoors and in confined indoor spaces.

PENEPLUG® should be stored dry at a minimum
temperature of 45°F (7°C). When properly stored in a dry
cool place in unopened and undamaged original
packaging, shelf life is 12 months.
PENEPLUG® is available in 40-lb (18-kg) bags or
55-lb (25-kg) pails.
Surface preparation:
The substrate must be clean, sound and free of any
surface contamination, such as oils, coatings, paints,
dirt, etc. Leaking areas must be cut back to sound material, leaving an appropriate chase for receiving PENEPLUG®.
Setting time is dependent largely on the amount of
mixing water used. Standard mixing ratio at 68°F (20°C)
is 2.5 lb (1.1 kg) PENEPLUG® and approximately 1 cup
(0.25 l) of water. Water must be added to PENEPLUG® and mixed quickly. The mix
should have a dry pack (dry earth) consistency, holding a shape when squeezed in
your hand but easily crumbled when pressed with fingers. Mixing time is about 15
seconds, with setting occurring about 30 seconds later. In cold weather, use
lukewarm water. In higher temperatures, use cold water

To avoid waste, only small quantities of PENEPLUG® should be mixed. After
mixing, apply PENEPLUG® to the appropriate area immediately. Material should
be formed into a wedge and forced into the leak. This can be accomplished with the
use of a block of wood and hammer. Work the plug well into the area and then,
applying as much pressure as possible, hold firmly in place for about 30 seconds or
until set. After the leak has stopped, prime the area with a bond coat of
PENETRON® and then fill the remaining void to the surface with PENECRETE
MORTAR™. Remove excess material. After lightly pre-wetting, apply a final coat of
PENETRON® to the repaired area.
In certain circumstances, PENEPLUG® may be applied as a dry powder. After
preparing the surface as described above, place and hold the powder directly over
the leak for 30-60 seconds.
Peneplug® Crystalline Waterproofing

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1. PENEPLUG ® (0.25 l) of water. Water must be added to PENEPLUG® and mixed quickly. The mix should have a dry pack (dry earth) consistency, holding a shape when squeezed in your hand but easily crumbled when pressed with fingers. Mixing time is about 15 seconds, with setting occurring about 30 seconds later. In cold weather, use lukewarm water. In higher temperatures, use cold water. Application: To avoid waste, only small quantities of PENEPLUG® should be mixed. After mixing, apply PENEPLUG® to the appropriate area immediately. Material should be formed into a wedge and forced into the leak. This can be accomplished with the use of a block of wood and hammer. Work the plug well into the area and then, applying as much pressure as possible, hold firmly in place for about 30 seconds or until set. After the leak has stopped, prime the area with a bond coat of PENETRON® and then fill the remaining void to the surface with PENECRETE MORTAR™. Remove excess material. After lightly pre-wetting, apply a final coat of PENETRON® to the repaired area. In certain circumstances, PENEPLUG® may be applied as a dry powder. After preparing the surface as described above, place and hold the powder directly over the leak for 30-60 seconds. SAFE HANDLING INFORMATION PENEPLUG® contains cement, which is alkaline. Will irritate eyes and skin and may cause skin sensitization. Wear appropriate eye, skin and breathing protection when using this product. In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical advice. For further information please refer to Safety Data Sheet. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. TOTAL CONCRETE PROTECTION ® DESCRIPTION PENEPLUG® is a rapid setting, integral crystalline cementitious waterstop designed to stop active water leaks and moisture ingress. PENEPLUG® can be used internally or externally as a waterproof plugging mortar or where rapid setting and early strength gain is required. APPLICATIONS Concrete Masonry Earthenware Stone ADVANTAGES Plugs/stops active water leaks Seals leaking joints, form tie holes or cracks Sets in approximately 30 seconds after mixing Durable Can be used underwater Can be mixed with water or used dry Easy to apply Zero VOC - PENETRON powdered products contain zero volatile organic compounds and are safe for use both outdoors and in confined indoor spaces STORAGE / SHELF LIFE PENEPLUG® should be stored dry at a minimum temperature of 45°F (7°C). When properly stored in a dry cool place in unopened and undamaged original packaging, shelf life is 12 months. PACKAGING PENEPLUG® is available in 40-lb (18-kg) bags or 55-lb (25-kg) pails. DIRECTIONS FOR USE Surface preparation: The substrate must be clean, sound and free of any surface contamination, such as oils, coatings, paints, dirt, etc. Leaking areas must be cut back to sound mate - rial, leaving an appropriate chase for receiving PENE - PLUG®. Mixing: Setting time is dependent largely on the amount of mixing water used. Standard mixing ratio at 68°F (20°C) is 2.5 lb (1.1 kg) PENEPLUG® and approximately 1 cup ® TO T A L C O N CR E TE P R O T E C T I O N CRYSTALLINE WATERPROOFING RAPID SET WATERPLUG 001dCPR2013-07-10 EN 1504-3 Penetron International, Ltd. 601 South Tenth Street, Unit 300 Allentown, PA 18103 08 PENEPLUG for structural and non-structural repair CC mortar Compressive strength: Class R3 ( ≥ 25 MPa) Chloride content: < 0,05 % by mass Adhesive bond: NPD Restrained shrinkage, expanding: NPD Elastic modulus: NPD Thermal compatibility (Part 1): NPD Corrosion behaviour: deemed to have no corrosive effect Reaction to fire: NPD Dangerous substances: NPD v. J06 45 Research Way, Suite 203, East Setauket, NY 11733 (631) 941-9700 • • PENETRON INTERNATIONAL, LTD. WARRANTY: PENETRON INTERNATIONAL, LTD. warrants that the products manufactured by it shall be free from material defects and will conform to formulation standards and contain all components in their proper proportion. Should any of the products be proven defective, the liability to PENETRON INTERNATIONAL, LTD. shall be limited to replacement of the material proven to be defective, and PENETRON INTERNATIONAL, LTD shall in no case be liable otherwise or for incidental or consequential damages. PENETRON INTERNATIONAL, LTD. MAKES NO WARRANTY AS TO MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND THIS WARRANTY IS IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. User shall determine the suitability of the product for its intended use and assume all risks and liability in connection therewith.


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