RAKAM 205 RAK Creete

Public Channel / Data Sheets

Cementitious Waterproof


• Water Proof Coating
• Excellent adhesion to almost all surfaces
• Non toxic, therefore suitable for contact with potable water
• Resistant to positive or negative pressures
• Forms a film which provides an anti-carbonation cover over concrete
• Resistant to carbon dioxide and chloride ion diffusion

• Interior or exterior coating on drinking water reservoirs
• On almost all types of tanks to provide foundation protection
• Waterproofing coating for roofs and tunnels
• Waterproof lining for water retaining structures
• Water tight areas such as caves, lift holes, and spillways
• Swimming Pools
• Waterproofing background mortar for fixing tiles on terraces
and swimming pools
• Waterproofing for general construction

Store out of direct sunlight, Protect from

Shelf Life:

Up to 12 months if stored under 30°C
away from direct sunlight

Ordering Guide:

PRODUCT NO. -- 205
STANDARDS -- BS 476 Part 6, BS-1881 Part 5 1983-ISAT
PACKAGING -- 20 kg Set
COLOR -- White / Grey / Green

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1. RAK Creete is a two-part cement based product used for water tightness protection of concrete, masonry and most other construction materials. Water Proof Coating Excellent adhesion to almost all surfaces Non toxic, therefore suitable for contact with potable water Resistant to positive or negative pressures Forms a film which provides an anti-carbonation cover over concrete Resistant to carbon dioxide and chloride ion diusion Cementitious Waterproof 205 - RAK CREETE ADVANTAGES Preparation All Surfaces which are to receive the coating, must be free from oil, laitence, grease, wax, dirt or any other form of foreign matter which could aect adhesion. Typically concrete surfaces can be cleaned using high pressure water jet or grit blasting. Predampen the substrate surface with water. High porosity substrates will require more dampening than dense substrates. Any condensation should be removed using a sponge. Any running water shoukld be stopped with RAK Quick Seal. INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE APPLICATION As with all chemical products, caution should always be excercised. Protective clothing such as gloves and goggles should be worn (see packaging for specific instructions). Treat any splashes to the skin or eyes with fresh water immediately. Should any of the products accidentaly swallowed, do not induce vommiting but call for medical assistance immediately. Ensure the container is available for the medical attendant to examine any relevant instructions and contents details. Reseal all containers after use and ensure product is stored as instructed on the safety section of the labeling. HEALTH AND SAFETY RAK Creete is supplied in pre-measured containers and should be mixed on site using a clean container. Slowly add the powder to the liquid & mix using a slow speed drill fitted with a suitable paddle. Do not mix more material that can be used within one hour. The apperance of the mixture will be a creamy coat, which can be applied with a brush. Apply the first layer with sucient thickness to cover the holes, cracks, etc. completely. The approximate consumption will be 1.2 kg/ m . Once the first coat is dry, apply second and third coats in order to achieve the required thickness at an average consumption rate of 900 g - 1 kg/m. It is recommended that each coat should be a minimum of 1mm thickness. 2 2 ORDERING GUIDE 205 BS 476 Part 6 BS-1881 Part 5 1983-ISAT 20 kg Set White / Grey / Green PRODUCT NO. STANDARDS PACKAGING COLOR The support must be clean and free of oil, grease, dust and any other unwanted residual materials. The support to be treated should be thoroughly wet prior application. SUPPORTS Store out of direct sunlight, Protect from rain STORAGE Up to 12 months if stored under 30°C away from direct sunlight SHELF LIFE TYPICAL PROPERTIES Density Toxicity Water Penetration Elongation % Water Vapor co-ecient Initial Surface absorption CO2 diusivity Chloride ion diusivity Chloride ion diusion co-ecient Oxygen diusion co-ecient 1.8 g/cc Non-toxic 7 bars - leakage (2 mm dft) (DIN 1048) 5% (unbounded) 3.64 x 10 10-4 cm2/s 95% reduction against control R> 357m, SC> 89cm (1mm dft), Se-equivalent concrete thickness Zero penetration at 90 days 1.04 x 10-7 cm/s DO2 7-6 x 10-6 cm/s Tensile Strength Resistance to - tearing Flexibility of film - 1.5 mm thick 170 kg/cm2 160 kg/cm2 30% CHARACTERISTICS Wt: 20Kg Interior or exterior coating on drinking water reservoirs On almost all types of tanks to provide foundation protection Waterproofing coating for roofs and tunnels Waterproof lining for water retaining structures Water tight areas such as caves, lift holes, and spillways Swimming Pools Waterproofing background mortar for fixing tiles on terraces and swimming pools Waterproofing for general construction USES F L O O RIN G & TI L IN G W A T E R P R O O FIN G B ON D IN G A G E N T S S E ALA N T S & MO R T A R S S P E CIA L I T Y P R O DU C T S 16 TECHNICAL DATA SHEET


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