RAKAM 302-RAK Cryl

Public Channel / Data Sheets

(Acrylic Bonding Agent)

RAK CRYL is a resin-based special admixture, mainly used for waterproofing areas,
mortars and concretes.

Main Uses:

RAK Cryl is a bonding agent used in many
construction applications. Of a modified polymer
dispersion, RAK Cryl improves resistance to water
infiltration, durability and premature setting of
mortar at higher working temperatures.
RAK Cryl can be used for:
• Industrial flooring
• External mortars
• Concrete repairs
• Complete water tight departments
• Drinking water reservoirs
• Cement containing adhesives
• Sealing slurries
• Bitumen compounds

Consumption of RAK Cryl Admixture
1 to 1 .2 litres for 1 m at 10 mm thickness.


Addition of water depends on the moisture
content of aggregates and floor topping
process. Use approximately 1 - 1.2 litres of
RAK Cryl per m2 of 10 mm thickness.
Before doing flooring, wet the area with a
mixture of 1 part RAK Cryl plus 1 part clean
water. The floor should be well cleaned and
wetted if needed. Direct sunlight must be
avoided after application.

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1. As with all chemical products, caution should always be exercised. Protective clothing, such as gloves and goggles, should be worn (see packaging for specific instructions). Treat any splashes to the skin or eyes with fresh water immediately. Should any of the product be accidentally swallowed, do not induce vomiting but call for medical assistance immediately. Ensure the container is available for the medical attendant to examine any relevant instructions and contents details. Reseal all containers after use and ensure product is stored as instructed on the safety section of the labelling HEALTH AND SAFETY RAK CRYL is a resin-based special admixture, mainly used for waterproofing areas, mortars and concretes. (Acrylic Bonding Agent) 302 - RAK CRYL Addition of water depends on the moisture content of aggregates and floor topping process. Use approximately 1 - 1.2 litres of RAK Cryl per m2 of 10 mm thickness. Before doing flooring, wet the area with a mixture of 1 part RAK Cryl plus 1 part clean water. The floor should be well cleaned and wetted if needed. Direct sunlight must be avoided after application. APPLICATION The use of RAK Cryl in cement based slurries and mortars improves the durability. It is strong and resistant to water infiltration. When RAK Cryl is added to cementitious mortar, the particles bind together to form a continuous film, thus increasing strength and resistance to water penetration. ACTION • Application for industrial floors • Flooring layers without joints Resilient with good flexural/compressive strength ratio • Resistant to abrasion • Waterproof • Reduced shrinkage Resistant to gasoline, diesel oil, mineral oil and cutting oil FEATURES All surfaces should be clean and free of any unwanted materials. The dosage of RAK Cryl depends on the nature of work to be carried out. The normal dose is 8 - 10 litres per 50 kg of cement. The slurry should be kept fluid. The recommended ratio is 10 to 12 litres of RAK Cryl for 50 kg of cement for watertight compartments. PREPARATION AND DOSAGE The typical mixing ratio is as follows: INDUSTRIAL FLOORINGS All tools can be cleaned with water after use. Avoid contact with the skin. In order to avoid skin formation, carefully reseal the drum after use. CLEANING 12 months in unopened packs. SHELF LIFE RAK Cryl is a bonding agent used in many construction applications. Of a modified polymer dispersion, RAK Cryl improves resistance to water infiltration, durability and premature setting of mortar at higher working temperatures. RAK Cryl can be used for: • Industrial flooring • External mortars • Concrete repairs • Complete water tight departments • Drinking water reservoirs • Cement containing adhesives • Sealing slurries • Bitumen compounds MAIN USES Aggregate Cement RAK Cryl 5 parts by weight 1 part by weight 0.3 part by weight The typical mixing ratio is as follows: ORDERING GUIDE 302 BS-6319 20 K 200 kg Packs White PRODUCT NO. STANDARDS PACKAGING COLOR Wt: 5kgs. 1 to 1 .2 litres for 1 m at 10 mm thickness. CONSUMPTION OF RAK CRYL ADMIXTURE 2 COMPOSITION Colour and appearance Specific Gravity pH Total solids After 28 day's air storage: Flexural strength: 13.5 N/mm (BS6319) Compressive strength: 70.0 N/mm (BS6319) Milky white, non-toxic 1.1 10 + 0.5 40% by weight 2 2 F L O O RIN G & TI L IN G W A T E R P R O O FIN G B ON D IN G A G E N T S S E ALA N T S & MO R T A R S S P E CIA L I T Y P R O DU C T S 23 TECHNICAL DATA SHEET


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