RAKAM 303-RAK Wood

Public Channel / Data Sheets

PVA Wood Glue)

RAK WOOD is PVA based, specially formulated for bonding operations in carpentry,
furniture and paper industry.


RAK Wood has excellent adhesion to wood
based products in cold and hot setting
applications. Compatible with wide range
of wood such as veneer, plywood,
blackboards, hardboards, chip boards and
fiber boards. Application includes assembly gluing,
panel surfacing, veneer and paper foil
lamination, finger jointing, laminating and
edge joining, veneer slicing, etc.


RAK Wood is a high build polymeric wood
glue. Has a correct balance of wet and dry
tack with smooth flow properties and
uniform drying characteristics so as to
provide a compact bond.


Approximately 4-6 m2 per kg. Depending
on substrate.


• 5 kg. Pail • 20 kg. Pail
• 200 kg. Drum

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1. As with all chemical products, caution should always be exercised. Protective clothing, such as gloves and goggles, should be worn (see packaging for specific instructions). Treat any splashes to the skin or eyes with fresh water immediately. Should any of the product be accidentally swallowed, do not induce vomiting but call for medical assistance immediately. Ensure the container is available for the medical attendant to examine any relevant instructions and contents details. Reseal all containers after use and ensure product is stored as instructed on the safety section of the labelling. HEALTH AND SAFETY RAK WOOD is PVA based, specially formulated for bonding operations in carpentry, furniture and paper industry. (PVA Wood Glue) 303 - RAK WOOD RAK Wood has excellent adhesion to wood based products in cold and hot setting applications. Compatible with wide range of wood such as veneer, plywood, blackboards, hardboards, chip boards and fiber boards. Application includes assembly gluing, panel surfacing, veneer and paper foil lamination, finger jointing, laminating and edge joining, veneer slicing, etc. USES Before applying, the surface should be prepared clean and even, free from dust, loose shavings, oil and grease. Apply RAK Wood either by brush or brush pressure feeding equipment to a uniform coat. If the surfaces are all end-grain and very porous, apply a second coat, after allowing first to dry. Allow few minutes then assemble the surface. Apply pressure, no heavy clamping necessary. Normal hand pressure or standard clamping is sucient to give a strong bond. Setting time varies for surfaces from 20 minutes to 3 hours depending on thickness of layers of adhesives, wood type, moisture and temperature. Excess adhesive peeling o from sides can be easily cleaned with wet damp cloth, before setting. DIRECTION OF USE Approximately 4-6 m2 per kg. Depending on substrate. COVERAGE • 5 kg. Pail • 20 kg. Pail • 200 kg. Drum PACKAGING RAKAM is pleased to oer full technical support on specific application. TECHNICAL SERVICE DEPARTMENT 12 months in unopened containers, store away from sunlight and preferably at 10-30°C. Non Toxic and Non-flammable. STORAGE RAK Wood is a high build polymeric wood glue. Has a correct balance of wet and dry tack with smooth flow properties and uniform drying characteristics so as to provide a compact bond. PROPERTIES Wt: 20Kg TYPICAL PROPERTIES Solid content Specific Gravity Viscosity (Brookfield) M.F.F.T Polymer Binder Open time Curing time Dry film appearance Toxicity Dilutent Preservatives 48% 1.06-1.08 20,000-25,000 cps 5°C Polyvinyl Acetate Polyvinyl Alcohol 20-30 min Initial 2 hrs. Final 24 hrs, to take load Tough, Clear Non Flammable / Non Toxic Water Anti fungicide ORDERING GUIDE 303 RAKAM 5 / 20 / 200 kg Packs White PRODUCT NO. STANDARDS PACKAGING COLOR Wt: 5Kg F L O O RIN G & TI L IN G W A T E R P R O O FIN G B ON D IN G A G E N T S S E ALA N T S & MO R T A R S S P E CIA L I T Y P R O DU C T S 24 TECHNICAL DATA SHEET


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